Pinned update!
Because I got a few updated refs and a new main sona 😅
First to last:
Loptr, Retro, Solaris, Eagleflight

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それが、操作性に難があって芳しくない  をプレイしての感想。二時間練習したけどうまくなれる気がしない⋯⋯


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So I wanted to get a redesign for my OC Eagleflight for quite a while now and after I saw some lovely designs by I commmissioned them and they were so quick and it's such a glow-up.
His new design is amazing and I love it!
Thank you so much again ❤
Really old ⬅️➡️ new

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Also, it’s time for a new pinned, so here are my main sonas:
Loptr the Angeldragon, Sora the Akita, Eagleflight the cat and Solaris the cat

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This is my boy Eagleflight! His ref is pretty old but I just love my fluffy furbaby 😁

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Well these are some of my from left to right Skyfur, Solaris and Mudstep. I adopted them from @/amir_is_queer
My main catsona is Eagleflight (art commsissioned from @/Gee_lly)

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Look at my darling Eagleflight commissioned from
Super fast turnaround I commisioned the piece yesterday evening!

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