. 『宇宙猫 飛ぶトマト 地球の出』
(Space cat, flying tomato, Earthrise)

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several of the fan polls organized by Hasbro, including the Titans Return Titan Class vote, the Siege vs 2-pack vote, and the Earthrise Decepticon vote, eventually had every single nominee available as an option receive a new toy anyway at some point down the line.

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Mannnn... I know they don't wanna do it bc they just did one in Earthrise but a Lifeline from SS86 Arcee would rock.

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So we arrive at the completed vehicles. SS86's new parts really make the vehicle mode feel like a true middle ground between Earthrise and Legends. Which version best captures the cartoon car? They all have their strengths and weaknesses.

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Guess that's Soundwave confirmed as the next Shattered Glass figure then. But Siege or Earthrise?

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I never thought we'd get ss86 Arcee so soon after Earthrise, so now anything is possible.
I'd love to have a barrel shaped dad-bod Springer

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Didn't notice Buzzworthy Bumblebee line as part of the Studio Series line up, Cliffjumper is a redeco of the Earthrise toy giving him the cartoon-accurate, gray and black arms and legs.

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Digibash of WFC Earthrise: "Seeker" using Animated Clone 3370318's colour scheme.

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Onyx Prime: Prime Predaking for the reason of big dragon man

Quintus Prime: cyberverse quintison judge bc i refuse to own the earthrise one

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This would have been leagues better than the Universe toy we did get, or the Earthrise ones I think honestly

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Digibash of WFC Earthrise: Ramjet using Animated Ramjet's colour scheme.

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I know I keep talking about Earthrise Megatron but a little bit ago I noticed that there’s some details inside of his lower legs that match what he had in the original cartoon, I’ve never noticed this before but I really like that little addition. Wonder if Siege has it too

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SS86 Arcee was a reuse of the Earthrise figure, and albeit modified with what looks to be a more cohesive car mode and added articulation in places such as the ankles.

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"A grand oasis in the big vastness of space". Take a moment to appreciate just how incredibly fortunate we all are to have such a magnificent planet as our home.

When was your 1st Earthrise moment?

Original art by Dave Ginsberg © 2013

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Clampdown the police car, and a massive green construction crane who can only be everyone's favorite one-scene wonder Hauler. Clampdown and Hauler are drawn as repaints of Siege Sideswipe and Earthrise Grapple, respectively.

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Searchlight and Wideload in new color schemes; a non-Throttlebot guest appearance in "Dungeons & Dinobots". all of these Autobots appear to be "virtual redecoes" of the Earthrise Cliffjumper mold, much like Goldbug himself.

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Just a hollow moon that you colorized
So powerful
I feel so small
But so alive
Like watching the Earthrise

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