Ready for another quiz?
Here is an illustration of LAA (left atrial appendage) view on transesophageal
What structure does the arrow indicate?

5 30

New learning (new for me): Basic sonographic approach for the mid-trimester fetal screening exam.
Four-chamber view (4CV), left ventricular outflow tract (LVOT), right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT), three-vessel view (3VV).


14 39

Another nice illustration of basic cardiac views


289 817

Transesophageal views illustration. This is from a paper on peri-operative TEE for non-cardiac surgery, not an exhaustive list of all possible views.
ME = mid-esophageal, TG = transgastric

35 99

Did teaching @🇨🇷. After a while still, this is my best example of B lines, in non-cardiogenic pulmonary edema.
As mentioned, "lung must be included"! BTW 🫀 echo was normal!

6 30

Nice illustrations of cardiac views👇

221 626

Great talk on Ebstein Anomaly at by Dr. C.Pizarro
🫀Diff surgeries: Cone, Starnes, Danielson Carpentier, Sebening stitch
🫀RVOT obstruction & abn PV assoc w⬇️survival
🫀 ⬆️Rv fxn (TR >30 mmHg + antegrde PA flow + TV repair) ➡️ Bi-V repair

5 12

Ebstein anomaly: Dr. C. Pizarro tells us what the surgeon want to know ?

☑️Mech of TR: # of jets, location
☑️Leaflet delamination, tethering, edges, fenestrations
☑️Annular dilation
☑️RV size & fxn
☑️Vent septal position
☑️LV fxn

14 29