Thank chu so much
Thank you for this so much~!!!!!

7 30

I should Introduce myself again for the new love bugs
My name is Echo The Goddess.
I am a Celestial Kitsune Goddess
That watches over the moon and stars around this beautiful cosmos.
I do like to play other earthly games like league of legends and Rpg games

11 94

Thank you for the bday art I got yesterday~!!! I am so happy and honored ~
Please give them a follow and love them~


4 18

🌸Good morning my cherry blossoms 🌸

Time to start the day with some water and good vibes!!!
I'm going to go to the store and get some chai and enjoy my Sunday ✨✨✨✨ can't wait to stream Monday and this week
Have a amazing day 🌸🌸

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I can not wait to get some earbuds so I can wear my blue light glasses when im at my computer more often~ I hate when I wear them with my regular headphones, They hurt the sides of my ears TT^TT

0 9

I wanna change up my stream layout and such for right now~
I dont wanna lag and such SO much but use something simple but that that says "thats Echo/That overlay is HER"
Anyone care to look at my picks/mini Lists I made????

0 11

is a talented ass bean man, just hearing some of the stuff from the song his making me sounds amazing~!!!!!!!!!
THE BASS AND EVERYTHING is making me exciteddddddddddddddddddddd

0 8

🌸Good morning my cherry blossoms 🌸

Let's start off this day with a bang!!!! I hope you are all doing well and and having a amazing day today. I'm going to try to do the same before some streaming but I hope to see you all later for movie night ✨✨✨

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Note to self: don't ask questions about rigging and art stuff on Twitter because I don't understand it.
Got it.

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IM HAPPY ✨✨✨✨🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸

Now, back to meh nap ✨✨✨✨ SEEYA guys later for some fun

0 8

I really do wish to learn how to play apex.....I feel like I would be good at it but either no one wants to teach me or people don't like me in general....but I really do want to try and play it !!!

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I am now proud to say that I am going to play D&D Now~!!!
My Character name is Aerith Luna
I am I High Elf/Noble Elf~!!!!

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I am so happy to start this weekend off with everyone. And thank you for staying with me and being there for me
I love and adore you all✨🌸✨🌸

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🏮Hello and Good Morning/Evening My Little Cherry Blossoms🏮
Here is this weeks Activities for stream this week~!! I can not wait to talk to you all and have so much fun again~!!!
Seeya later on today~!!!

1 9

Here is this weeks schedule~!!!!
I'm going to try to see what's up with league and fix some stuff on my end if anything BUT if not, react echo is a go with some more fun stuff~
Seeya later for dono-thon day 6~!!!!

0 14

I have a crush on someone....she is really pretty and nice and everything, I am too shy to tell her or talk to her sometimes....TT^TT I wish it was easy for me to talk to her <3

0 14

Besides it being toxic, why do some of y'all hate league of legends but never played it..?? Like I get it taste in games but if y'all ONLY saying that it's toxic then some of y'all need to check some of the games y'all play at that point.

0 10

finally done with house chores ( I am the only one who does it around this big ass house and I have like two roommates) 😒😒
But seeya in 10 mins

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🌸🏮Drinks I made inspired by me or something I would drink myself🏮🌸

They are so cute!!!

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🏮🦊Anyone care to get married with a side of snuggles???
That sounds like a dream come true🏮🦊

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