Roule, Ginette! une relecture écoféministe de Koloblok et Roule Galette

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Aprende a identificar estas red flags antes de iniciar una relación con alguien, y si ya estás en una relación tóxica, ¡sal de ahí! las red flags siempre van en aumento, no disminuyen.


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It is perhaps also relevant that Storm’s powers are employed in service of mutantkind, a symbol of outsider status and the oppressive hierarchies that form around it. Thus Storm’s relationship to nature can be seen to oppose hierarchies in general (a key aim of ecofeminism). 9/11

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First up, we should note that the representation is complicated based on perspective. Storm exists in a complex (often intimate) harmony with nature, but her power is mastery over nature – domination and control – things that ecofeminism might be critical of. 4/11

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Wangarĩ Muta Maathai
Doctora en filosofía, activista social y medioambiental, feminista y política keniana. Conocida como «la reina de los árboles», fundó el movimiento ecofeminista Cinturón Verde y fue la primera africana en ganar el Premio Nobel.

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The organisers of the ECOFeminism Festival originally scheduled to take place at the Art Pavilion between 26 March & 5 April have informed us that they will be postponing the event. It will now take place in November. We will post further details in due course.

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Mañana únete al  bloque feminista en la manifestación de la   y trae tu carrito!! Salimos a las 19h de la estación de Renfe en Uviéu

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"Man, humankind, has misused and abused Mother Earth with no regard for consequences." installation, imagines a dark future if dominant agricultural trends prevail.

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