A new week and a new WhereArtI for you. I took a sunny walk along the old railway path this morning and it was so nice to hear the birdsong as the sunshine shone through the trees.

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The ‘dancing snow angel’.
Projected onto the War Museum a figure made of snow, calming music matched the rythum as people stood entranced.

Post and more sketches:

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Castle esplanade, thumping music and a spiralling mosaic of colour hits you straight away and leads you in through the castle gate.

Post and more sketches:

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Castle esplanade, thumping music and a spiralling mosaic of colour hits you straight away and leads you in through the castle gate.

Post and more sketches:

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Beautiful details hidden just off the main walk way.
A beautiful morning in the capital, just as it was when I sketched this city view, but where is it?

Answers on the website for a chance to win:

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WhereArtI time Edinburgh folks, can you name this city building, named after an edinburgh pioneer…


There will be a prize of some Christmas cards for one correct answer.

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Monday morning and a beautiful sunny day in Edinburgh.

Here’s a new WhereArtI sketch for you to ponder, can you name the partially hidden dome?

Answers as usual on the website for a chance to win a prize 😊👍

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WhereArtI Monday, can you name the location?
Head to the link and leave your answer, you could win a new bag for the new year!

Merry Christmas and thanks for playing WhereArtI in 2021 :)


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Some close ups from this mornings sketch, which by the power of computers is now available as a signed and mounted print over on my Etsy shop.


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WhereArtI this week Edinburgh folks?

These steps I used to walk twice a day to work but now I hardly ever see. Is this a shortcut for you?

Follow the link to play along and you could win a prize.


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