Did you know that both and share birthdays? I guess the ocean isn't that big...

Did you know that Nasu missed both of 'em?

Here, you get double feature to celebrate late beefday!

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Someone told me that today is freedom muricah thingie
and P2 protagonist beefday!

So pls enjoy Tiffany Lords and Maya to celebrate!
The murican Rival Skools Perusonah fan in the audience hopefully will go wild!

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I heard today was best girl's beefday!

Go Go Chun Chun! For the win!

18 85

It's both and beefday!

Both fishes having a birthday on the same day? Nasu that's too silly!

Wish them happy beefday or i'll look at you while you sleep

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I think i'll post more next saturday

Have a goodio day!
Happiru best girl beefday!

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