There's still time to join in the fun today at our craft workshop EGG-CELLENT EASTER! Just come along before 3pm to take part.
Only £3 per child
For more info:

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Don't miss the fun today at SwindonMAG! Join us anytime between 11am & 3pm for our children's craft workshop EGG-CELLENT EASTER!
Only £3 per child.
For more info:

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A big thank you to everyone that came along to today's workshop Under the Sea!
Don't miss Friday's craft workshop EGG-CELLENT EASTER where we will be making Easter egg head-boppers!
Only £3 per child
For more info:

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In the run up to Easter we'll be tweeting our favourite egg images from the collection - this one is by T. Gentry, 1882

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