The feeling of being forced to install EGS/Fortnite No Build onto your drawing PC because nephew is here and his sugar levels DEMAND playing some sort of videogame

11 123

俺は堕天使 ニスロク
あんまり ムチャさせんなよ

わいが堕天使 メルコムや!
文句あんのか おんどれ!!

0 1

We are at Come and play our demo! (And what’s up with the wind today 😭)

1 7

Was thinking of doing a post about all the promo material for drops.. bc they take time & often are a bit useless & then serve no purpose after the drop is done/collected

Like this prog rock type I did for ‘Irla of Rin’ ()

May post more egs over the next while .. gn 🌙

7 50

Ok now my serious answer. Definitely the skin shading, but in particular adding the lightest shades. Showing some egs here, like there’s certain spots that will always be light on a person, and I love highlighting them

4 23

This is no joke: Doc Sock wants you to join us for the Epic Discount. NO JOKE. Links to the store in the thread below 🍅👇

0 14

Egger "Egs" Seption upholds the law. That is, the laws of nature in Granimate. If he sees Ultimites acting out of bounds or unsupportive to Granimites, he'll throw charges their way.

For years he's been trying to catch that pesky virus Mal, to no avail.

0 4

"Tunnels has been sold!

- Seller: tz1br...Y8ud6
- Buyer: egs5000
- Collection: FXHASH
- Marketplace: fx(hash)

1 12

dunno if y'all can see the deleted parts of the thread but sorry for the mess if you can lol. I'm still figuring twitter out
Anyway have some commission egs
Character commissions for my pal

0 0

✨️ ROAD TO 1K ✨️ ROAD TO 2K ✨️

Both my accounts have been close to these numbers for years and it's about time we hit them 👀

For each milestone hit, a winner will receive some halfbody art! (egs below)

☀️ RT and follow this acc and/or to enter

Thank you!

69 107

Evil Dead The Game, free for the three EGS users out there.

0 4


(((( ’ω’ ))))(((( ’ω’ ))))

9 22

:00 Day
:18 Hours
:31 Minutes

0 0

7月2日の西武撃#11について、配信はEast Geek Smash (EGS)様と西武撃のチャンネルにて行います。

35 141

Tornado-Pigman is excited to meet you all!

Project Warlock II is now out in Early Access on Steam, GOG, and EGS.

21 124

Ever had a time where you don't remember having certain games in your library?

Was not aware I already had the Tomb Raider trilogy on the EGS library 🙃🙃

0 8

本日の西武撃について、本配信はEast Geek Smash (EGS)様と西武撃のチャンネルにて行います。

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