Screw that auction amirite? 😜

So amazing to see and highlights what we all see in the community and team: Real, open, transparent honesty building amid the market and pushing for a true NFT branding experience like no other.

Here's to the next EGSC meetup IRL!

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Eye Guys Social Club is KILLING it out here amidst the market!

Link below for more info, some topics include STAKING, TEARS, GEN 1.5, UPCOMING LP & much more.

The Eye Guys will be the pre-eminent NFT Brand, bar none.

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Eye Guys Social Club is KILLING it out here amidst the market!

Link below for more info, some topics include STAKING, TEARS, GEN 1.5, UPCOMING LP & much more.

The Eye Guys will be the pre-eminent NFT Brand, bar none.

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An absolutely EYE-mazing, if even crazy, spaces from the team.

Really showing an honest transparency & proven brand experience & strategy for the longevity of the project.

Did I mention two more pickups tonight...

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Twitter is erroring on PFP changes for me atm, but...

Don't mind me just modeling after one of the recent KILLER mints, really resonating with the artwork and the welcoming team.

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