Rogelio de Egusquiza y Barrena (20 July 1845-10 February 1915) Spanish painter,-La muerta Tristan and Isoldi
Αριάδνη στη Νάξο
Με το καράβι του Θησέα
σ’ αφήσαμε στη Νάξο γυμνή,
μ’ ένα στα πόδια σου
θαλασσινό σκουτί.
Σε ποιες σπηλιές εκρύφθηκες
και πώς να σε φωνάξω,
κουστάρω κι’

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It does bear the question of what counts as "love" when potions and magic are involved. In Aphrodite's case, is her interference a curse (Medea, Psyche, Helen of Troy) or a gift? Queen Isolde's gift to her daughter, Princess Isolde begs the same question.
🖼️ Rogelio de Egusquiza

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Lucifer of Liège/"The Genius of Evil" - "Tristan and Iseult (Death)" and "Tristan and Iseult (Life)", Rogelio de Egusquiza - "Icarus Fallen", Alfred Schwarzschild

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'For it is love that I am seeking for,
But of a beautiful unheard of kind,
That is not in the world.'
- W.B. Yeats, The Shadowy Waters

Tristan and Isolde (1912) by Rogelio de Egusquiza

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Tristan and Isolde, by Spanish painter Rogelio Egusquiza (1912). Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art of Santander and Cantabria.

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Rogelio de Egusquiza, "Tristano e Isotta - Vita".

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Rogelio de Egusquiza y Barrena (20 July 1845-10 February 1915) Spanish painter,-La muerta Tristan and Isoldi
Αριάδνη στη Νάξο
Με το καράβι του Θησέα
σ’ αφήσαμε στη Νάξο γυμνή,
μ’ ένα στα πόδια σου
θαλασσινό σκουτί. 
Σε ποιες σπηλιές εκρύφθηκες
και πώς να σε φωνάξω,

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Tristan and Isolde, a tragic for the ages. 💕

🎨Rogelio de Egusquiza, Tristán e Iseo, ca 1912

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Of the other “Wagnerian” paintings Egusquiza produced, another noteworthy pair is about Tristan und Isolde; the first (La Vida) depicts their passionate embrace from act II while the second (La Muerte) depicts the “Liebestod”.

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Richard falleció en Venecia hace hoy 135 años. El conserva un destacado conjunto de obras del compositor realizadas por Rogelio de inspiradas en su Además del protagonista, son:

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'Siegmund und Sieglinde' de Rogelio de Egusquiza (1845–1915)

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