But something was funny about the "person" in the boat. The position of the arms is commonly seen on mother goddesses squeezing their breasts. Like this Elamite one from the 2nd millennium BC https://t.co/RZ82MFbhEB

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The oldest depiction of a group of molosser dogs: a seal of Elamite people 5.500 years old on my book 'ORIGINS - In Search of Ancient Dog Breeds' https://t.co/SxqPD2h5Ms

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The summer, the season of death, which starts when lions start to mate, ends when the first rains arrive in Nov...When boar start to mate...Making lions and boar the natural enemies...Like on this Elamite axe head with Lion (Autumn) and Boar (Winter)... https://t.co/Huxi3rkhbM

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C5TH-6TH CENTURY AD 9 ½in diam
Est: £10,000/15,000

c.2500-1500 BC 4 11/16in high
Est: £30,000/50,000

c.2550-2250 BC 1.5in high
Est: £GBP 70,000/90,000

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Elam and Assyria Elamite Axe Handle,silver and gold 4000 BCE

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Cuneiform writing was used to write many different languages: Akkadian, of course, but also Hittite, Hurrian or Elamite.

The scribes of the wealthy city of Ugarit, by the Mediterranean sea, found a new way to use cuneiform writing and created an alphabet which has 30 letters.

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We have a school in today taking part in the Fossil Workshop' Students are having great fun pretending to be a T-Rex, learning about the West Runton Mammoth and belamites have been found!!

'12 drawings of Dinosaurs' by Miss Alice Bolingbroke Woodward

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Finial with ibex,Middle Elamite period,13-11th c BC https://t.co/tIyzhRWe4j Tokyo National Museum

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Neo-Elamite bronze bull,Late 2nd-1st millennium BC.https://t.co/yAu0HhMR90 Christie's

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Elamite silver vessel with bulls,7th-6th cent BC.https://t.co/KvAnu4h4J6 al-Sabah Collection

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Proto-Elamite silver goat 3000BC https://t.co/tT39XblXyl Museum Fine Arts Houston

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Elamite silver vessel 7th-6th c BC http://t.co/KvAnu4h4J6 The al-Sabah Collection Kuwait

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