Phant Fact 22. 

Elephants have a unique way of using their tusks to dig for water and food, and to defend themselves against predators.

  provides a safe retirement community for elephants (rescued & captive).

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Phant Fact

20. Elephants have a unique way of communicating with each other using scent, with male release a musky scent to attract female

  provides a safe retirement community for elephants (rescued & captive).

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Phant Fact

18. They have a unique way of communicating with each other with touch, some elephants use their tusks to touch and comfort their herd members ❤️

 , provides a safe retirement community for elephants.

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Phant Fact

17. Elephants have a thick skin, which provides protection against thorns and predators. educates the public about dangers facing wild phants worldwide as well as the needs of captive elephants

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Phant Fact

16. Elephants have a unique method of cooling themselves down, by flapping their ears to create a breeze., provides a safe retirement community for captive and rescued elephants.

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Phant Fact

14. Elephants have a unique way of swimming, using their trunk to breathe like a snorkel., provides a safe retirement community for captive and rescued elephants.

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Phant Fact

13. Elephants have a very flexible trunk, which they use for a variety of purposes, including drinking, bathing, and grasping objects. educates the public about dangers facing wild phants worldwide.

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Phant Fact

12. Elephants have highly developed hearing & communicate over long distances with low-freq. sounds (which humans can't hear)., provides a safe retirement community for captive and rescued elephants.

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Phant Fact

11. Elephants are herbivores, and consume up to 300 pounds of food per day. educates the public about the needs of captive elephants. They also educate about dangers facing wild phants worldwide.

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Phant Fact

10. Elephants are endangered, with their populations declining due to habitat loss and poaching.

The Sanctuary,, provides a safe retirement community for captive and rescued elephants.

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Phant Fact

8. Elephants have a long lifespan, with some elephants living for up to 70 years.

The Sanctuary,, provides a retirement community for captive elephants.

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Phant Fact

7. Elephants have a close relationship with their young, and females will often stay with their offspring for their whole lives.

The Sanctuary,, provides a retirement community for captive elephants.

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Phant Fact

4. Elephants are skilled at using tools, and have been known to use sticks to scratch themselves and branches to swat flies.

The Sanctuary,, provides a retirement community for captive elephants.

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Deal of the Day
Elegant Elephant Society
Rank 1662
7 $Matic

Background: Sunset
Head Gear: Bandage
Skin: Red

This ref-phant islooking for his sports event!
He'll make sure your gaming nft follow the rules!!

3 5

Phant Fact

5. Elephants have a unique way of greeting each other by entwining their trunks. educates the public about the needs of captive elephants. They also educate about dangers facing wild phants worldwide.

0 0

Deal of the Day
Elegant Elephant Society
Rank 3871
0.0031 $ETH

Background: Metal Grey
Head Gear: Devil  Horns
Skin: Tan

This phant is ready for evening for an evening of indulgeance!
He'd lovve to hang in your wallet for a while!

1 4

Phant Fact

4. Elephants have a highly developed sense of smell, and use this sense to locate food and communicate with other elephants.

The Sanctuary, , provides a retirement community for captive elephants.

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Phant Fact

3. Elephants have a strong social bond, and live in herds led by a matriarch. educates the public about the needs of captive elephants. They also educate about dangers that face wild phants worldwide.

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Phant Fact

1. Elephants are the largest land animals on earth.

The Sanctuary educates the public about the needs of captive elephants. They also educate on the dangers that face wild elephants worldwide.

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