Color Bloq has curated 23 collections of our online magazine, all written by QTPOC. In order to continue our work into 2020, we need your help. Donate now:

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Color Bloq has elevated 214 QTPoC voices—writers, speakers, & creatives—in our online magazine and in our community events. In order to continue our work into 2020, we need your help. Donate now:

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The illustration for Isiah Magsino's essay shows a QPoC surrounded by fabric billowing around them. The words “colorism”, “masculinity”, “sexuality”, and the phrase “Who Gets to be American?” are within the folds. Read the full piece:

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The illustration for Meliss Amaya's essay shows a Queer Person of Color wearing eyeliner, within their hand they hold up a makeup brush with a magical aura. Read the full piece:

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"I've Seen the Loneliness and Homophobic Anti-Blackness of Healthcare in the South", by Paul Bernard , from our debut collection "RED: QTPoC in the South, Red States, and Non-Urban Communities". Link:

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. is a black queer writer and their debut collection of poetry, HoodWitch to be released this October. She is also the Editor of Borderlands: Texas Poetry Review and 2019 Lambda Lit Fellow Read:

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Zina is a writer, researcher, and reviewer. When not living her best Marketing Minion life, she’s stretching her muscles on various projects on fandom culture and representation at . Read:

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"It is those who face racism daily that these white liberals choose to confront and blame. Moderation, after all, seeks peace, and peace requires silence." -Anonymous Color Bloq contributor.

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"Those white people who do not combat these inequalities, even if they vote blue, wear a safety pin, or otherwise state their support for people of color, are simply supporting and protecting white supremacy." -Carolina Cormack, Color Bloq contributor.

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"Through being white-passing I have learned that my Latinx and queer identity is mine to claim, but the fact that I have the option not to is a privilege." Carolina Cormack, contributor.

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"As I left, I knew I had to leave my own words of encouragement. I hope that those 49 lives that were taken from us, far too soon, are up in Heaven, dancing the night away." -David Marquez, Color Bloq contributor.

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