My name is Júlia. Illustrator from Brazil looking for opportunities in the publishing area💖


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Happy birthday Bloom! I will have my revenge on you in Scrabble one day but for now you get to survive and enjoy your Birthday!

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Oii, meu nome é Júlia. Trabalho com editorial já tem uns anos, ja fiz didáticos e infantis. Esses são alguns dos meus trabalhos.

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Hey there! Here's my website: https://t.co/3k33EbB9UG
haven't done tons of covers, but for an example here's my cover for my own webcomic, Rage Room, which you can read here: https://t.co/PMDGL1Y2AR
If you're interested you can dm me here or email me at maxpinelliartist.com

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Sometimes, the siren gives such an impassioned performance flying while singing, that she ensnares herself as well as her audience!


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I don't give up, like Which this year is called I fight for my dreams and I will continue to draw. this Is for you ♥️

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