Hello friends we have another commission to buy back! As a community can we raise $230 for ?
They already refunded him so let's help them out!
Cshapp $fretcore
I can give my ppal on request don't want to publicly post bc personal info

308 2102

George Grant’s voice fits Tighnari almost perfectly & I want him to voice him 😭

12 243

That scumbag is gone! Heres an emote i made for him because he asked before I made more actually but was too shy to speak to him privately and im glad i didn’t speak to him privately

13 55

To ANY of the victims of : we hear you. We see you. We are WITH you. We will not stop fighting for you. Thank you for bringing this horrendous man’s acts to light and for being so INCREDIBLY BRAVE throughout the entirety of it. We are here for you.

22 181