Diary pages cannot be thought of independently of their writings. Writing and painting are married in Eloy's opinion and it has not been seen that they have a disagreement yet.

Grenade Burger avaliable on

Reserve price 2.5◎

Link below.

12 33

Gm with some details from the piece named Grenade Burger. Eloy, who became obese as a result of over-consumed destructive emotions. Grenade burgers in plate. Molotov coke.

The link for the auction which has 4 hours left to end on within the is below.

8 51

Hunting with a friend whose build has them at very low defense kind of gets a bit irritating. So when Eloy got the second cart I packed him into my gut to keep him at full health. Literally carrying him to the end.

Eloy belonging to

84 398

Some details of diary page called Morgue Body. The head of eloy trying to decipher the meaning of the pain in his back. A spirit particle corpse placed in the morgue on the body. Shower curtain.

Current bid 2.75◎ by

3 hours left for the auction to end. Link below.

12 33

Gn. With some details of the diary page called Game in Mind. Half visible bitcoin banner hanging on the wall. The game console and Eloy's head to which it is attached. Two games, one demonic and one floral.

To see them all together, the link is below.

9 34

Gn with the details of the second page of Stitch a Soul. An eloy who has been spending a lot of time in his boat lately. Hunted big screws.

Link is below that will give you direct exposure to the piece.

9 26

The first page of the book that will be called "Stitch a Soul". This piece will be airdropped to collectors who have so far held 1/1 arts of eloy tomorrow. 🧵(1/3)

17 50

oii, sou ma e tenho alguns oc's, mas vou apresentar só dois pq tô pensando em fazer algumas modificações nos outros 🤙

esses aqui são o Cordelius e o Eloy ambos são demônios de pacto, ou seja, eles dedicam seu pós-vida a atrair humanos para contratos demoníacos :)

2 4

Hola, Eloy. Si quies pues comprar la novela qu'escribí, La Rexenta contra Drácula, publicada ensin sovención nenguna y yá con una segunda edición. Tamién hai otres noveles mui nueves y ensin perres públiques, como ye Fort Paniceiros: Una hestoria de la de mi'madre.
¡Un saludu!

3 5

esse viado, por mais que seja todo introvertido e os crl, é o maior show off na bateria

simplesmente usei Jay Weinberg, Mario Duplantier, e Eloy Casagrande como referência de como o Alec toca a bateria

0 1

Eloy oc da no meu estilo👌💜

2 6

It is best not to consume the poison all at once, but to pour the pain into it little by little. 16th hand holding the syringe belongs to kun. Eloy kun is grateful to you for appreciating her art.

Link is below for CHEAPHEADZ

9 29

Let's talk about some details of Flower of Cactus. A silhouette of Eloy's Head Under the Faucet/1. a projection of 's Metis. Distant and close-up view of the ornament of the cactus.

Avaliable on

Link below.

3 13

"#DecolonizeYourMind" art piece by artist Eloy Bida

Happy 🦃

0 2

Tengo un OC que se llama Eloy, nació como un desafío de facebook, el problema que tengo con él es que comparte muchas características con Zach y realmente no logro hacerlo cuadrar en ninguna historia, me hubiera gustado crear algo lindo para él pero no... (1/2)

2 3

2017 vs 2022. Eloy and Vincent are old friends. They posed again for eloy's diary page called Party in Arles.

3 19