collected: Mystic northern lights

first PixelQuests piece i've collected

been meaning to cop something from his collections and had to snipe the last one

the detail on these pieces is 🤯

-> ->

3 14

The big man himself, but honest question who would doc oc wipe the floor with first. Tom, Andrew or Tobey’s Spider-Man?

0 3


Venomized Mary Jane


The Red Headed Wreckers

0 8

Thor wins, he is way more versatile in powers,Thor has access to the eldergod forces, lifeforce & energy manipulation/absorption, time & space manipulation, infinite amount of ethereal force. Thor has powers to counter any foe, Hulk's brute force won't save him

3 24

Painting is hard... maybe I should try becoming a pixel artist LOL

1 5

Sneaky mysterious intro Shin Dragonball has some Skywise Elquest
'oh ho ho what a clever scamp am I' energy for some reason.

0 0

What have you always wanted to know about the Avengers? Tweet us with the hashtag and yours could be answered on Earth's Mightiest Show!

98 1208


0 5

Some more work on the menus! Needs a tiny bit of work, but these are the Artes and Learn Artes menus!

7 19

UI is hard.

Recently got around to making custom menus as opposed to the default RPG Maker ones.

4 11

this big fish boi ambushes your ship and will sink your ship in 5 turns. wyd?

3 7

suh dude

Thanks for 420 followers! Again, things have been quiet lately. Only because the really boring parts of development are going on!

(like, really, who wants to see me optimise code, and write silly NPC dialogue anyway?)

1 3

Initially a piece for a PixelQuests quest but I couldn't make it in time so I finished this in my own time 😤First upload of the year!!

5 17

I am currently working on a new design for the game's "skit" feature, which was modelled after the Tales series. It is now called "CrossChat". And will look a little more like this! (This is a WIP mockup in Photoshop)

5 27

been meaning to make this for a while

6 45


Holding auditions for Two characters! Both recurring roles! Deadline May 15th. Check the audition sides below! Spread the word!

98 214


Opal's wrist accessories are inspired from my own arm aesthetic I had last year!

4 7