Do you like girls? Do you like cute girls? Do you like cute girls in swimsuit? I DO!
Emilia, isn't summer too hot for you? 😊😍
More re:zero (and other) girls are coming, stay tuned 😉

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ーーAbsolute Zero.

uploaded more version's on pixiv ^^

This part in the novel so damn hype and amazing! loved it a lot!

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And she is completed!! Emilia-tan!!

Actually this was scene from arc6, but i made non spoiler version (this one) so everyone can see it! Ill QRT the original arc6 version on this tweet, do be sure to check it out !😳

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Damn the new episode From season 2... ~ emilia really EMT ! ~ Wwwwwwww ~ lol ~

SORRY REM .... It's TIME FOR EMILIA To SHINE ! I am simp ~ i am fast ~

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