Emilytober, October 27, 2022
“The Spirit lurks within the Flesh
Like Tides within the Sea
That make the Water live, estranged
What would the Either be?”
— Emily Dickinson

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Emilytober, October 25, 2022
“We must be careful what we say. 
No bird resumes its egg.”
-Emily Dickinson

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Emilytober, October 23, 2022

“Furly, curly,

What a tail!
Tall as a feather
Broad as a sail…” 
-Emily Dickinson

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Emilytober, October 18, 2022
“These are the days when birds come back, a very few, 
a Bird or two, to take a backward look.”
-Emily Dickinson

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Emilytober, October 17, 2022
“Life is a spell so exquisite that 
everything conspires to break it.” 
-Emily Dickinson

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“Water is taught by thirst;
Land, by the oceans passed;
Transport, by throe;
Peace, by its battles told;
Love, by memorial mould;
Birds, by the snow.”
-Emily Dickinson

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Emilytober, October 9, 2022 “Fame is a fickle food
Upon a shifting plate…
Whose crumbs the crows inspect
And with ironic caw
Flap past it to the Farmer's Corn –
Men eat of it and die.” -Emily Dickinson .museum

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Emilytober, October 3, 2022
“The name – of it – is “Autumn” –
The hue – of it – is Blood” 
- Emily Dickinson

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Unofficial Emilytober, Day 24: “He glanced with rapid eyes, That hurried all abroad - They looked like frightened Beads, I though, He stirred his Velvet Head.” —Emily Dickinson

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Unofficial Emilytober, Day 19: “I hide myself within my flower, That fading from your Vase, You, unsuspecting, feel for me — Almost a loneliness.” — Emily Dickinson

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Unofficial Emilytober — Day 6: “Till ranks of seeds their witness bear, And softly through the altered air Hurries a timing leaf!” — Emily Dickinson .museum

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Unofficial Emilytober, Day 4. “Nature — sometimes sears a Sapling — Sometimes — scalps a Tree — Her Green People recollect it When they do not die — Fainter Leaves — to Further Seasons — Dumbly testify — We — who have the Souls — Die oftener — Not so vitally —“ —Emily Dickinson

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