Pre-Heresy ship-names for Pretty and suggestive.
Lucius' ideas weren't appreciated and he now has to stand in the hallway.

17 81

A very tame, very art nouveau-aesthetic with Flavius Alkenex, Prefect of the Phoenix Guard.
He has such a great character arc and I really wish for an author to get clone-Fulgrim and Alkenex and his men away from Trazyn!

3 35

The 5th day of brings: Broken!
And as a big fan of anything Phoenician, of course it had to be him!

7 51

Fabius suddenly becoming a dad to clone-baby-#Fulgrim is just the best:
"Tiny hands clutched at him, seeking comfort. Fabius frowned and shook his head. ‘What now?’ he murmured. Fulgrim’s only reply was a wordless murmur of contentment."

10 49

The next chapter of "Chasing Perfection" is out and of course I had to draw a scene from it immediately.
Because I can't resist Saul and Lucius!

3 23

It's and I'm giving you: Ramos, the Bull of the Eighth! One of the few still rather sane in the 41st Millennium.
His hobbies include collecting hard vac-resistant mutant-pets and gardening with wraithbone.

5 50

It's and I got a request for Abdemon, oldschool terran and all around chill dude. Can be found early on in the Fulgrim-Primarch-novel for example.
Yes, dark-skinned, silver-haired EC are a canonical thing.

3 29

I've read `s short stories "Imperfect" and "Chirurgeon" and am now in desperate need for him to write more because he's the only author who gives them personalities and depth. With him they are not just "bad villains are bad because crazy".

8 47

Not enough cute the last few days.
With a cuddly Fiend-friend. (not drawing his ugly-ass armour)

6 40

Warpdust - not even once!
Krysithius, ex-Palatine Blade, not happy with his boss.
(I was so mad at Lucius for killing him. What's some mutiny amongst brothers?)

3 39

Reposting my Slaaneshi Heretek.
Dark Mechanicum, but ravishingly perfect. When you're sailing the tides of the Eye on board of an Strike Cruiser, the Omnissiah just isn't enough!

14 67

He clearly detests He can't spare a good word for them .
So why does GW insist on making him write a Legion he so obviously dispises?
I don't like liquorice - which is why I don't go around stuffing liquorice in my face and complaining about it!

2 29

Telemachon Lyras …Just manwhoring around, waiting for a victim no doubt…one day I Will draw his ruined face….BUT TODAY IS NOT THAT DAY.
Pet swordsman.

6 29

Pre-Heresy Lucius training.
With a silly shirt suggested by a friend.
I'm into the cartoony style, even if I'm rather alone in that. 😁
I need alternatives to my usual "oiled up twunks"-style. And NOT going the "draw like canon"-route!

5 25