i'm late but i'm joining the bandwagon too ! :D happy new year everyone !

this is the oldest digital drawing i could find, i believe i made it in 2011,,,

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with my digital art... though it's more like January 2014 till October 2019 but hey that's still 58% of the decade!

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...I should stop saying I don't fo progress ^3^
Sildora, twins Anjey&Andrew;
Maelron&Al Taref zee featherpillow, Yo'ri Hickory&???

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It’s the end of the decade so of course I had to do a redraw. Happy new year!

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Happy New Year, 2020! My last drawing of the decade. Let's celebrate the end of a decade and welcome a new one. Let 2020 be the start of good and well deserving times for everyone.

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My art at the beginning of the decade (when i started) vs at the end of the decade

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Started this decade losing my job as a carpenter, finishing it in a new career as a teacher. I am so grateful to everyone who helped me get to where I am now. Starting this decade so excited too see what will happen next.

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So here's my 2014 vs 12/31/19. I can't believe I have improved so much in such a short time! ☺️

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2018: Maria was in 2017 but it lasted much longer for Puerto Ricans. I participated in ‘s anthology PRStrong but comics work started drying up. I did my own short, filled in pages for The Spider King one-shot, but pitch work and side-jobs kept me alive.

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2017: Cloudia and Rex wrapped up and I was thrust into Judge Dredd (with the same team) head first for an amazing, exhausting experience, punctuated by hurricane Maria. It was rough.

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2015! first big comic gig Americatown, first big faceslam into the monthly comics world. Any small break I had to myself I would paint as much escapism as I could.

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2014! I got angry and I got more political. I still am but I still loved comics and sci-fi tho.

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2012! A refocusing on sci-fi and more personal work and my first mainstream publication in ‘s Prophet thanks to Brandon Graham taking a chance on my work.

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2011 vs 2019

I have no 2009 digital artworks but this works also 💖 I have to hone my skills again this coming 2020

Also, from straight ships to LGBT ship real quick.

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