oh Enkidu did interfere in the Gorgon vs Ushi fight

3 34

How Enkidu's character works in MY BRAIN:

(One second they look divine (next second they are a handful/curious feral kid (and then go murderous somehow even Gil is scared of them

367 1265

Gil when he doesn't want to pay attention to the war but Enkidu's there

464 1287

Actually, debating if using the 5* ticket on Enkidu instead.

163 1326

These guys from fate series :^D
(Voyager, Jekyll, Enkidu and Van Gogh)

0 1

ngl, I think Enkidu is one of my favorite Final Fantasy monster designs. Looks straight off an 80's metal album cover.

0 0

CasGil and Enkidu being members of the press, and CasGil writing his report on a clay tablet... HAHAHAHAHA

119 338

lrt: I thought Yukika was Enkidu Lily.... intentional?
well now I know how to make a Fruit Sando thank you

requesting Yukika/Nietzsche pseudo servant for FGO

0 2

Gilgamesh and Enkidu by Sina Hayati

52 376


148 498