The robin's pin cushion (rose bedeguar gall) often found on roses at this time of year

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Holm (evergreen) oak leaf mining moths - there are two species in Britain -

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Large white butterfly caterpillars - if you don't want them eating brassicas grow under netting. They feed on nasturtiums too - it is fine to leave these for them - they support lots of natural enemies - parsitoids eat them from the inside, wasps etc.

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- Conifer hedge going brown (Leylandii or related) could be due to the cypress aphid

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Box leaf-mining gall midge - uncommon and perhaps due to other box feeding invertebrates & pathogens likely to become rarer

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Leek moth -second generation of the year, has been in the Britain since at least the 1930s Unlike the allium leaf mining-fly (arrived in Britain 2007 -) the moth doesn't pupate in the stems

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Vine weevil - getting a bit late for nematode treatment of pots/ containers likely to be affected but it may still work.

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Grape vine erinose (blister) gall mite - apart from the distortion and growths this tiny mite causes it has no effect on the plant

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Leek moth -second generation of the year, has been in the Britain since at least the 1930s Unlike the allium leaf mining-fly (arrived in Britain 2007 -) the moth doesn't pupate in the stems

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Phormium mealybug - unlike the glasshouse mealybugs this one is host specific (New Zealand Flax only) and can survive winters out of doors

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Cypress aphid - this can cause extensive die back particularly in leylandii - we rarely find the aphid itself but sooty mould (growing on honeydew) is a sure sign it was there

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Gladiolus thrips - a 'thunderfly' that mainly affects gladioli causing mottling and distortion

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Leaf-cutting bees - these amazing solitary bees make nests out of sections of leaf

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Not an enquiry just more images of the fantastically cool webspinners - a new insect order to the UK found full report in next edition of Journal coverage

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Leek moth - similar damage to, but not as common as the Allium leaf mining fly. It has been around longer than the fly in the UK (since at least the 1930's), and largely restricted to S. England

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Stem and bulb eelworm -a microscopic plant parasitic nematode - causes distortion and can kill bulbs (affects many other types of plan toot) - suspect it's widespread in gardens but research needed

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Codling moth - will be overwintering as non-feeding caterpillars in leaf litter etc. Pheromone traps in spring can help improve control. Found a lovely image in the archive (Hochstein (fl.1845-65) (Artist))

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Codling moth - finding holes and caterpillars in apples and pears this is the cause. . Found a great illustration of damage and the moth from 1845 in the collection

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