Obi Wan: Eopie Watering Hole concept art and designs by Alex Nice.
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maybe i shouId properIy introduce these characters to the 2 peopIe who OnIy know me on twitter or somethin
to an outsider these are WorthIess! hehehhee

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Here are a couple “Dead Jedi” shots I helped develop for Obi Wan. I gave production a few different arch/hanging options for the scene.

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I was asked to design an Eopie watering station built around a moisture evaporator unit on Tatooine. I also included a few marker-style thumbnails I did to help work out the layout.Thanks for looking!

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Sunny 💜 Yeopie ❤️ JJ🧡 Bbangtae 💙

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Giveaway RT + Like + Follow for a chance to win the Ben Kenobi on Eopie Pop! Winner will be randomly chosen and announced on 7/30 at 8PM EST.

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and another doodIe page! again for kai, but this time of hugh and grimm <3 i Iove gay peopIe

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Please...imagine socially awkward Rey wanting to give her nerdy, Star Wars-loving friend (who she has a crush on) a personalized gift. Something like the wolf shorts would be great, but the eopie might be better, right?
(Okay, sorry... Sometimes I'm not the most serious person.)

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eopie just chillin on the sands of tattoine with a cold drink waiting for obi wan to return as the twin suns set behind a distant mountain range

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El Jedi exiliado cabalga a lomos de su eopie, Rooh, hacia la granja de los Lars. En estos momentos viste de una forma muy similar a la indumentaria que ya le vimos llevar en la serie de cómics Star Wars (2015).

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Man, I love eopies so much.

Oh, and Obi-Wan is alright too.

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just for fun some simpIe busts comparing the main trio at the VERY beginning (Iike a few weeks in) of story to RIGHT before the cIimax (a few weeks untiI) bc i Iike thinking about how peopIe age

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the neopies announcer elephante's human fingers are so disturbing

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