“surreal iris natural history 1 & 2” are totally imaginary and biologically impossible diagrams made in collaboration with using

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X-ray Rayography surreal Collages of insecs and ?? imagined with Midjourney, inspired by Man Ray and Ernst Haeckel

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Some alchemical diagrams that generated with the influence of and (thanks to for showing me this path)

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Jellyfish. The German Zoologist whose grief-stricken work inspired the movement https://t.co/jCJbKzWNFo

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María González Granados - Carabela portuguesa (Physalia physalis) https://t.co/Bs7SQQ4rQH Retuitea y ayúdanos a visibilizar la Descarga el ebook https://t.co/N34XAOxyar

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Elena Parés Guillén - Órden Peripoda https://t.co/IbkKBuBJoh Retuitea y ayúdanos a visibilizar la Descarga el ebook https://t.co/N34XAOxyar

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¿Os gustan los retos? os lanza uno: desde hoy y hasta el 30/9 participad en Sumaos a su charla de hoy en YouTube,coged ideas,elegid una especie y ¡a dibujar!

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Queremos celebrar el aniversario de el zoólogo dibujante, presentándote algunas de sus ilustraciones. https://t.co/izg9RZUypD

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