Title: Shinmai Kyōshi No Maigoromo-san To Hajimeru Dōsei Seikatsu


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Title: My Household’s Liliana-san’s Summer Vacation!

Author: Yamaguchi Akira
Artist: Aoi Nagisa


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Seguimos con los coloreos de Eronovels!
Hoy toca coloreo de la princesa de Isekai Harem Monogatari.

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Bonnie Boring, petite, smart-mouthed cashier, underachiever, and secretly the mega-powered superhero Ms. Infinity. Don't miss her adventures!

1 2

Once a refugee. Now the greatest superhero on Earth! Don't miss the adventures of Ms. Infinity! Now the Kindle editions Earth's Greatest Hero and Where Infinity Begins are 99 cents each!

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Seamos honestos. Seria bueno poder traducir esta EroNovel.


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