👀 GeauxTigers2019 ↘️ fumbled ↘️ OTHR

🏆 status: Noodle Hands
🛒 in: 6.9 ETH
💰 out: 1.25 ETH
😬 hodl: 6 months 2 days

Ξ loss: -5.65 ETH ❌

💲spent: $18,809 (05/2022)
💲lost: -$16,911 (📉 -90%)

0 1

👀 GeauxTigers2019 ↗️ flipped ↗️ OTHR

🏆 status: Rookie
🛒 in: 0.08 WETH
💰 out: 1.19 WETH
😬 hodl: 6 months 3 days

Ξ profit: +1.11 ETH 🔥

💲paid: $218 (05/2022)
💲made: $1,588 (📈 +728%)

0 1



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I am still absolutely overjoyed for the existence of these panels. Ion Storm dramatically lying in the spotlight like some poor distresséd maid, cradled gently by Nova Storm, with Acid Storm rushing over two seconds later, peak trine content.

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·Transformers2019 ⑮

この仕草 モノアイでのこの表情よ

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Day 18: THE RED-STAINED WINGS by . Amazing cover by Richard Anderson. Love the brush strokes and vivid colours.

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『FFTCG』記事を更新。今週は「MASTERS2019 FINAL -日本選手権-」で優勝した日本代表プレイヤー・Kurosawaさんのレポートをお届け。《皇帝》入り「フースーヤ」デッキと火をタッチした「土単」について、カード選択の意図から結果に至るまでを解説していただきました!


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10/24 - Giant Water Bug.
I cheated, I drew two (: A water scavenger beetle up top, I have one of these guys (dead though) from a bike ride this past summer! And a Giant Water Bug by the bottom. The males carry the eggs on their backs!

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10/17 - Five-Spotted Hawk Moth
Good old Manduca quinquemaculata, the Tomato horn worm caterpillar that turns into a wonderful moth capable of hovering like a hummingbird! Don't let them ruin your tomato plants though.

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10/15 - Rose Chafer
The one with the scientific name Macrodactylus subspinosus. I usually see them on peonies, despite their name. Might go back into the background on this one once it’s fully dry.

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10/14 - House Fly
My 2019 inktober list is making me realize how funky bug legs can be. There's a little bit of gold on the wings!

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10/07 - Pseudoscorpion
It’s hard to really communicate how small these guys are! Apparently they eat cobweb spiders, which explains why I was able to collect a dead one from inside our old farmhouse home.

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