it's nearly the same sword as "mother"... could this be clervie's sword? peruere could have used this spear...

0 0

❌When the Kingdom has lost its King...

...who's left to lead?
Tell me who's left to lead!

61 259

Tehe! Kalian yg ngincer peruere+sign tapi cuma nyimpen <200 pull nyiapin ritual apaa? Trus pull dimana ya enaknya? :D

2 44

thank you
Peruere and Clervie

2847 14353

🕷️'' You must know spiders don't eat cake''🕸️

Her trailer was just... I can't..
I HAD to draw her again, okay...
Arlecchino holds me captive at this point I swear.

150 695

i just had to draw peruere(arle) and clervie

45 376

“ You will become a great king”.

2291 11823

euerueree im doing good Teedy

0 0

¡Feliz día de independencia, un año más de fuerza y voluntad, luchando por un país mejor, juntos celebremos los 199 años de independencia! ¡Más cerca que nunca del bicentenario!

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