# covidvaccine fullyvaccinated noreally truly finally moderna art illustration health healthcare medicalart postcard postcards letterwriting valentines letters snailmail usps mailman ups amazonprime mailbox commissionsopen mailinballot ballot amazon fedex postoffice postalservice postal stamps childrensbooks アマビエ 疫病退散 danielclarke heroes covid pandemic vaccine masks inspiration thankyou characterart graphicsart 手洗励行 換気通風 不即不離 呆在家裡 静かに食べよう ヨゲンノトリ 赤ベコ 黄ブナ ventilate eatsilently stayhome handwashing stopthespread physicaldistancing fightagainstcovid19 thankyouessentialworkers 新しいプロフィール画像 friend drawing fit test video similar god frontline workers job service covid19 america covidー19 wearamask wearadamnmask webcomic webcomics portraitsofheroes honorheroes nurses medicalstaff frontlinenurses portraits frontlineworkers inthistogether flattenthecurve socialdistance staysafe butterflies showthelove procreateart procreate rainbow latino nurse agricultural exhibit advertising artistcollaboration psa combatcovid arrowverse superman tylerhoechlin comics warmup warmupsketch offguard offguardmos webtoon blackcomedy sunday colors quarantine security blackart thankshealthheroes エッセンシャルワーカーの方に感謝 nonessentialworkers workingclass essential anthro trader joe dry produce furryartist furry retail acnh realsuperheroes coronafighters frontlineheroes superheroes

booster shot!
they were even quicker, really, with me showing up just a wee bit before they close up for the day
surely this is the last time they have to stick a needle in me

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Matt Chinworth () shares his latest illustration for . Stronger industry standards result in positive human impact on patients. https://t.co/ceZcj48UT0

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Thanks to all

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My sent this just b4 I posted the But he hadn’t seen it but it was so wink. To all who are and (every is essential in my opinion) for your

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I know things suck right now, but getting a good laugh out of it can make things just a little better, even for just a short while. Stay safe.

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Hope Butterfly

This was done as a way to show appreciation to essential workers. Let’s show our love to these people in these hard times

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comic book pays tribute to the real superheroes—

"El Peso Hero" will be in a supporting role to real-life heroes, helping a bring medical masks to workers, says creator Hector Rodriguez. Find out more, https://t.co/9feqQ1M49T

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EXHIBIT: , and teamed up to rally artists to create messages of solidarity for all the New York essential workers. https://t.co/Ayyks9PsZ8

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Blobby knows how to show love to essential workers ❤️

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I give all essential workers respect with thanks.

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Categorizing people as or devalues the majority. All workers are People who want to work, feed their children and protect their rights— are not hateful, selfish, irrational and lawless.

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So for those who don’t know, I work at Trader Joe’s as a section writer for Dry Produce, and this is kind of my humorous homage to my job and section.

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