more oils 🕺
left - original piece inspired by ophelia
right - transcript of euan uglow's curled nude

6 35

Usually I don't draw anything for Valentines Day, but thought I'd draw how Euan would be dressed up for it. Who is the person he's giving a rose to? Well, I'll leave that up to you.

5 15

▸ Euan・Jasper

0 13

Non illuderti:
la passione non
ottiene mai
Non ti perdono
neanch'io, che
vivo di passione.
Pier Paolo Pasolini

Euan Uglow

7 10

Con colori che vanno da certi
tetti rossi al giallo camoscio,
a certi rosa annacquati, a tutta
la gamma dei grigi, ai verdi delle
persiane, si sfrena un vero
carnevale di pittura.
Giuseppe Ungaretti

Euan Uglow

8 8

Probably unlikely but maybe give Euan a go, if you want to?

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Be interesting to see what an AI can come up with for Euan.

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"Estamos todos condenados a nossa própria
personalidade, e estamos todos condenados as nossas próprias obsessões . Então talvez seja isso que transpareça." Euan Uglow

1 9

Artist recreated the JAWS movie poster for The Suicide Squad then Shark photographer Euan Rannachan recreated the JAWS movie poster with a real great white shark

1 23

so, hi portfolio day. I'm Euan Brown, Boston-area illustrator who is available for freelance work.

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.  ❖ C̷a̷l̷l̷ o̷f̷ C̷t̷h̷u̷l̷h̷u̷ ❖


 KP 野乃花さん
  HO1 Emer Dana Brigit - そうさん
  HO2 Lia・Walsh - ひつじさん
  HO3 Euan Fergus - 迷子



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PL:Emer Dana Brigit(エメル・ダーナ・ブリギット)/ひさめそうさん、Lia Walsh(リア・ウォルシュ)/ひつじEuan Fergus(ユアン・ファーガス)/迷子さん


0 2

嗤う人間師通過ユアン・マッカーシー(Euan McCarthy)の表情差分。オネェです。

3 10

Realized I almost missed but was able to do a quick pic of Euan the Merhog sleeping in a bathtub. How he got there is anyone's guess.

3 10

I got this idea from another oc of mine that I created years later lmao

Euan Winfield (2017)
His rings lets out chains he can control.
Just another back burner character for another series I'm just simmering.

/god I swear the amount of blonde ocs i have...

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