DAY 18/31 - ‘Doodle Painting’ of Édith Scob in 'Eyes Without a Face' (1960)

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'Doodle Painting' of Édith Scob in 'Eyes Without a Face' (1960)

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This week's 'Doodle Paintings' (so far!) - Edwige Fenech in 'The Strange Vice of Mrs Wardh', Jenny Agutter in 'Logans Run', Édith Scob in 'Eyes Without a Face' and Soledad Miranda in 'Eugenie De Sade'

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Poster for French horror classic 'Les Yeux sans visage' (1960) directed by George Franju. I discovered this and so many other incredible films thanks to 's brilliant documentaries about the history of horror!

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Édith Scob in 'Eyes Without a Face' (1960)

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'Doodle Painting' of Édith Scob in 'Eyes Without a Face' (1960)

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Classic Eurohorror at it's finest.

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