Gratidão ao William Carey ❤
Missões se faz orando, contribuindo e segurando as cordas dos que vão.

Que Deus abençoe a todos
os que cumprem com fidelidade
o chamado do SENHOR. 🙏

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Lady Rin is a villain in every sense of the world, designed as an allegory for insane american evangelism. She's a disingenuous cult leader, a monster who doesn't respect others' autonomy, and projects her guilt onto others so she doesn't have to deal with it.

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A playlist brimming with bewitching aural spells, diabolical anthems, pagan soundscapes, and occult rock evangelism: The Devil's Daughters

Image: Jinx Dawson by insanewarlock on deviantart

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One of our collaborators, Ian Lammi, is currently working on a two-part Pharisee story for our Waypoints manga project. It's a LOT different from what we've shown you so far.

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Evangelism 3.0+1.0
We’re finally getting an ending to the film tetralogy and I am so FREAKING READY

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So this is my first post I will talk a little about myself, I live in Latin America and I study art for a while, under pressure from some friends I ended up making a twitter so hello, we are together since then and I love evangelism. and I do some stuffs like this:

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New episode! shares his incredible journey through , managing teams, technical writing, and more. So inspiring, in so many ways. . Enjoy!

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ALSO COMING IN EARLY 2018 i'm launching a queer environmental sci fi comic w romance, televangelism, and the actual end of the world!! official announcement is coming soon but i'm super excited for this

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Our last tweet: we're not sure these bikes are being used for evangelism - we suspect these Salvationists are just having a race!

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The 3 Circles from the evangelism strategy is a great gospel tool. Led a man to Christ using this napkin.

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