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Happy new year everyone!
This not only is a new year, but also marks my 5 year anniversary of posting my art online and starting an incredible artjourney!
Eventho it didnt worked out everyyear and I didnt had reference always here is my progress over the years:

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Figured I’d share last year’s Damn Heroes strip from before the one this week comes out. Still makes me chuckle ‘cause it’s true.

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.The Real Nightlife Heroes//for ThankingEveryYear

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🔔 ..gargoyles and river spirits seem to be whispering in my ear ever since

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7/21 Sat.

I watched the fireworks which I watch from my cafe everyyear in downtown yesterday, and I ate a lot of food which I have never eaten there. Anna is good sister.

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Everyday is Sunnyday , EveryYear is SunnyYear

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1008 Gayatri mantra, done and dusted!

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