And as promised~ Here's Ignia~ My hot stuff! Being all smug! I know they can be creepy and spooky but they can also be "imma steal your gf" smug lord~ ehheh. Hope ya'll like them!

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Here's my baby, Ignia! Showing their beautiful smile! They can look creepy sometimes but dont be scared~ They can be quite smug too, and you'll love that expression I tell you!

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Vamps & are ready! Excellent candidates for the championship!

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"The Howling Winds... (Negativeworld)" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

1 of 1 for a sweet, sweet 17 swap.hive!


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And... again, the damn bestiary.
1.- Igigi/イギギ
2.- Rahksasa/ラクササ
3.- Bael/バエル
4.- Devil/悪魔

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Another page of my new bestiary.
1.- Vampire/吸血鬼
2.- Mandragora/マンドラゴラ
3.- Preta/ガキ
4.- Pazuzu/パズズ

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