"Message Buoy to all travellers: Beware the ringed world Kont. Many who have stayed for any length of time have disappeared. You have been warned."

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The Starbridge was probably my favorite ship from EV:Nova. I'm not toally happy with this redesign, but figured I'd toss it up here anyway.

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I am slowly working on a mod of my own. I'm not sure anything will ever come of it, but I'm trying anyhow. This game means a lot to me and I really want to see more content for it. That's also why I picked it as my Inktober theme this year.

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I'll be honest that I feel like some of the storylines leave something to be desired, but that's where mods are helpful. The modding software is a pain to work with, but the game itself is a really fun and interesting medium for telling a story.

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And yet, despite all that, there's something special about this weird little space game. So many untold stories to be written, and worlds to be dreamed up. I suppose it was one of the first open world games I ever played.

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