Becky just started THE HOLLOW KIND by because: southern gothic! Who doesn't dream about inheriting a creepy old farmhouse with evil lurking in the soil?!

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I think I already raved about HOW HIGH WE GO IN THE DARK by Sequoia Nagamatsu last month, but let me say again how lovely and powerful this novel-told-in-stories is. If you loved STATION ELEVEN, be sure to check this out.

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DEAR MISS METROPOLITAN by Carolyn Ferrell is a brilliant imagining of the lives of two young women held captive for a decade in a seemingly “normal,”quiet neighborhood, and what happens to them afterwards. Chilling but well worth listening to.

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Next up in my TBR (2/4): UNSETTLED GROUND by Claire Fuller, THE PEOPLE WE MEET ON VACATION by Emily Henry, SORROWLAND by Rivers Solomon, MALIBU RISING by Taylor Jenkins Reed.

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Next up in my TBR: THE KINGDOMS by Natasha Pulley, THIEF OF SOULS by Brian Klingborg, GIRL IN THE WALLS by A. J. Gnuse, MARY JANE by Jessica Anya Blau. (1/4)

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And more books I’m looking forward to: HENCH by Natalie Zina Walschots, ONE BY ONE by Ruth Ware, BURNING ROSES by S.L. Huang, and THE MYSTERY OF MRS. CHRISTIE by Marie Benedict.

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What can I say about A BETTER MAN by Louise Penny that hasn’t been said before? The beautiful, empathetic writing and the depth of the characters keep me coming back for more of this lovely series.

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Another intriguing title: THEY CALLED US ENEMY by George Takei, a biographical graphic novel about his family’s experiences in the Japanese internments during WWII. Would love to read this!

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