Introducing my original character Excalibur, Exca for short. this is Exca wearing her tactical nun cosplay design✨

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He's the heir to the throne in Hell, the last descendent of King Arthur, uses Excalibur, knows the origin of the universe and is constantly saving the world.

The guy just can't stop being awesome 😈

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"Take now this sword Excalibur, that once belonged to me. May it serve you well in your quest." - Lady of the Lake

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Après avoir longuement hésité entre Cleopatre, Braveheart, Sacré Graal et Excalibur, je reviens à mon premier choix : La Reine Margot de Patrice Chéreau pour l'adaptation, la réalisation ET les acteurs.

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It comes to this . I’m Yuuji Excalibur, you can call me Yuuji. The holy sword turn to be human, and living life as a boba addict and addicted to fps games. I hope we can be friends nice to meet y’all.


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Chris Claremont's "X-Men Forever" series, EXcalibur, ASM (still gonna stick with Zeb Wells run and see what's up before making final judgement) & Justice League: The Nail

(NOTE: I'm a JMS, Paul Jenkins, and JM Dematteis Spidey Stan in case you're wondering)

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I made the mistake of flying off for the group picture and lost the red bunny's name. 😭 Pretty sure she was from Excalibur, but I remember it was primal for sure.

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I have been told Antonovskiy Bridge was hit by Excalibur, not GMLRS. The Excalibur have a range of at least 40km, up to 60km (70 in testing), the blue circle indicates 40km.

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Por cierto, que el universo mutante es muchísimo más rico que sólo los X-Men/ Patrulla-X. Es algo a lo que Fox no supo sacar provecho y estoy seguro que Feige si hará. Ver pelís o series de Factor-X, Excalibur, los Nuevos Mutantes o X-Force, entre otros, molaría mucho.

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(6) Higuruma Hiromi
Fan cast: Koyasu Takehito (Dio Brando, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure; Takasugi Shinsuke, Gintama; Zeke Yeager, Attack on Titan; Excalibur, Soul Eater; Takahashi Ryousuke, Initial D)

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GGW Returns! And so does Rachel Summers! (Sort of!) Plus! Our first guest to actually *appear* in the pages of founder of the Phoenix Force Fan Club, Jason Grey ()! Also! Galactus' pro-life politics and a meet-cute w/ Kitty & Feron...?

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In the most recent run of Excalibur, Jubilee pretty much nuked a small army cause they shot her son out of the sky.

Woman's been a beast, just needs the writers to let it show.

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Tampoco es casualidad el colgante que la Gran Dolina. Se trata de Excalibur, un bifaz que los arqueólogos de Atapuerca descubrieron en julio de 1998. Los expertos piensan que podía tener un valor simbólico. A mí me gusta imaginar que era el símbolo de la líder de la comunidad.

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I like to think that Shiryu should have been from Capricorn instead of Libra, this way, the climax that he reaches in the battle with Shura, and the inheritance of Excalibur, could be the perfect closure for the symbolic transfer of the Capricorn Cloth.

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Votes are in it was a tie between Your guys OCs chibi-fied and more of my older chibi art and as bonus some other older pieces I made over the years. Here is my first piece, my friends and I as Akibarangers, "AkibaDrago, AkibaExcalibur, and AkibaGlave!"

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Ahhh yes the path of the dark side. As this is where Protagonist fall into these trade in different conditions, Artoria Pendragon. The king of Camelot and wielder of Excalibur, corrupted was turn into Saber Alter. Vegeta, Prince of all saiyans. Become mind control by Babidi (1/7)

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Here's Excalibur, a robot supervillain who's an AU version of another OC of mine

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“Heh… that’s all the proof I needed.”

Holding Excalibur, she would bring the hilt up to eye level and strike an attack pose akin to Sasaki Kojirou

“You’re my target, saber, and you will be slashed down today.”

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Here's some fanart to celebrate Tomb Raider Legend! We have Lara wielding Excalibur, BFFs together, Amanda in Kazakhstan & Amanda & Fluffy! 🥳

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“The Braddock family, Brian, Betsy, and Jamie, all have their own neuroses and traumas, and they carry those things into their adult lives. In Excalibur, Brian sometimes means well, but his trauma turns him into a jerk.” -

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