'A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
mother of exiles.' https://t.co/hx8EI861EU

17 101

New X-Books this week!

Betsy Braddock: Captain Britain 2!
Sabretooth & the Exiles 5!

Very excited for the finale of Sabretooth and can't wait for what comes next!

12 155

[Commission] Portrait for Amari from Conan Exile
Thanks for her ! 2023
✨𝙲𝚘𝚖𝚖𝚒𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝚘𝚙𝚎𝚗 ! 𝙳𝙼 𝚖𝚎 ! ✨

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The Scarlet Hunt in the Plaguelands is over, but there is still the opportunity for heroic deeds.

The Great Beast — Halt Coldbane — returns to Lubenia in search of souls.

Have a good game!

5 20

I am genuinely thrilled about the potential of . The team is working nonstop. Bullish...

Can we see some Exiles and Outlanders in the comments? 💪

18 45

quick event hopping while waiting for conan exiles to verify file integrity

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i wish everyday that these troll teens had parental figures that werent animals

their session exiles are hardly a step up as parents of course but it fits so perfectly! & it communicates (to me atleast) more clearly how they ended up the way they did, in a visual-narrative way

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The band of exiles 🦢🔥👁️

65 547

In case you haven’t already- SUBSCRIBE TO THIS MAN RIGHT NOW!
Is an amazing Conan Exiles builder and teaches you so many things about building /WITHOUT/ mods!

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Meet Irina, known on twitter as (AI art) and (ambidextrous art+), the creator behind "A Day in Life" and one of our talented artists for and the Exiles Project. She has contributed art to all three of our previous projects.

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Neue Emotes und sind da!

Many thanks for the beautiful drawings! 😍

Bin Live und es geht weiter in

Lets Go!


1 3

DCvsマーヴルみたいに出版社の垣根を超えたクロスオーバーではなくともキャラを融合させるセルフアマルガムはアメコミでは多々あって、Exiles 85号(2006年)に登場したブラザー・ミュータントはブラザーフッドのメンバーとウルヴァリンをアマルガムさせたキャラだった。

0 7

hi new followers! I'm Peebles and im a PnGtuber and variety streamer~ started my journey with Genshin Impact (cos im a freemogem simp) but lately i've been invested in survival games and going over my backlogs!

recent games: Conan Exiles Aoc/EEWA, Stray, Eastward (finished)

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Priestess of Derketo, illustration / character art for a character in

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Anyone else hope Bab and Herd make it out of Sabretooth and the Exiles?

I need to know more about them and also watch them thrive. They deserve it.

3 45