An illiterate flightless bird gets help flying by a green haired lady who bullies him

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Spend months on end building up a homosexual polyamorous couple in the hopes of getting one of them married to a woman he barely knows. It doesn't end well. What, you were expecting a happy ending? Go pick up a book, why don't you?

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A delinquent, a robot, five of their friends with questionable intelligence, and their sassy cat reform society by tricking a celebrity into talking about pancakes.

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With your vision restricted, you must use your sixth sense to hunt your target. Then, with the ceremonial staff, you must destroy the floating effigy with a merciless beating. For this sacrifice, you are awarded sweets and one year added to your age.

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Your goal is to destroy the tower. But only a little bit. If you destroy the tower too much, then you are the loser.

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Screw Cats!
(actually, that's pretty accurate)

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Ur trapped inside high school with a bunch of assholes who hate each other. Every night someone dies and its up to u to figure who dunnit cause all ur fellow classmates r too retarded to figure out the obvious

Also a homicidal talking teddy bear is there too.

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