Si le manque de transport va sauver les Caryatides du temple d’Erechtée de l’exportation, cela ne sera pas le cas en ce qui concerne le Parthénon.

Les plus belles métopes sont prises, on descelle et scie ce qu’on peut.

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R.T. Erdogan, électron assez libre au sein de l’OTAN et profitant, voire abusant, de sa protection, manœuvre plutôt habilement. À son actif, les premiers pourparlers entre Russes et Ukrainiens et surtout sa contribution au déblocage de l’exportation des céréales ukrainiennes.

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Le timelapse visiblement j’ai miroir à l’exportation mdr

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Later this painting was purchased by Hosoda Yasubee, and people surprised.
Sadly, Kyosai's artworks hadn't got Japanese people's attention in spite of he has excellent talent and sense of painting. Therefore, most of his artworks were created for exportation.

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ohh man, my OCs have less 'backstories' than 'future stories', but here's my lion who was born in the Tundra Kingdoms but grew up in the swamps around Mew Orleans with his childhood best friend. He's been dodging exportation while working in fish distribution. Smells like it, too

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Et voici le second :
Un thumbs up de Lycan, héhé !
Bon, j'ai pas réussi a retirer ce contour blanc qui se crée à l'exportation mais dans l'ensemble je le kiff bien celui là.
Un avis ? Lachez un like x)

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Anyways I'm aware most my content has been this model as of late, is mostly because I spent most if not all my time on it, anyways came to update that I just need to finish up the face and do some mouths then I can finally begin exportation

Also their/her name is V, personalsona

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Greece since antiquity always had a special bond with horses and depicted them in our vessels and sculptures at the Parthenon. Were are now the 1st European country that enforced law against any malpractice on them including exportation for slaughtering. We Stand 4 Freedom.🇬🇷

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Did this dtiys my friend ghoulactic put out on Instagram! There’s a gif version I’ll add below that’s kinda crunchy due to exportation XD I wanted it to look like old school blingee scene edits

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Some colour and SSS exportations in Octane.

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Page two of "Thank you" finally here UvU. The colors with the exportation may altered a bit but I hope you enjoy anywa

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