20: despondent/pouty
adorable pouty grump!

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17: incredulous
i have come to realize that december is not a good month for daily drawing challenges, for me. facember is definitely going to drag over into january.

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fifteen: silly
durp (i'm falling behind on this...)

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the fourteenth: serious
aka Gil's normal face

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twelve: in love
off screen Melee is arguing with a roomba or something
Gil: gods i love that fucking idiot ❤️

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the eleventh: fear
him scared (tho usually Gil reacts to fear by getting angry at whatever scared him)

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ten: triumph
bonus knife cat Gil

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nine: WTF
that's absolutely a valid expression

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numbers seven and eight: shocked/surprised and irritated
decided to spice up Gil's hairstyle a little

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the sixth: tired
Gil's got them big chompers

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number five: confused

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numbers 2 (sad) and 3 (pleased) of my
pls give sad Gil many hug

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Doing my own little 30 day expression challenge, featuring my OC Gildolin. will call it
day "one": Happy
(*gasp* the grumpy elf can smile?!??!?!)

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