Sure! My little DnD girls!
My Ferya Firebeard, a female-beared dwarf monk and Lindórië Faebella, a female elf druid.

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Been doodling some grumpsonas for me and my sister while watching her play through Named them Faebell (left) and Charlyle (right) Cramberry and theyre a sibling duo

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Mis dos OCs de la actual campaña de D&D que estoy jugando con mis colegas. Empecé siendo la elfa Lindórië Faebella y ahora soy Ferya Firebeard, una enana con barba :D
Espero que te gusten :D

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I drew a few of my new characters I've gotten recently ♥ They're Candy, Faebelle, Kane, and Kimmy! In that order. ^^ There's a few more I wanna draw too~ ♥♥

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