Fakétober Day 28: Movie

Penny is based on Pinhead from Hellraiser. When threatened this Pokémon will defend by sticking the enemy with sharp needles.

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faketober 2022: day 11 - void
porygon-0 is based on porygon, missingno., beta eternatus, and corrupted files

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faketober 2022: day 6 - freak show
ramtula is based on two-headed freak show goats and spider goats

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Rediseño de fakemons generados por AI
voy a tomar este reto como si fuera... XD

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faketober 2022: day 2 - forest
contreel is based on the hidebehind and the green man

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Day 2 of

Aspequeen; The Queenly Pokémon [Grass/Fairy]

These Pokémon are usually found singing in forests, calling together various Pokémon to watch them sing. Since then, it’s song was popularized into a lullaby for humans.

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My make up of Day 1 of (since I’m now making random Pokémon)

Meet Kelkreep; The Swamp Horse Pokémon [Water/Ghost]

Legends say that these Pokémon mimic the voices of children, causing people to find these Pokémon and they are pulled under the water…not to be seen

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Day 1: Mythological Creature

Using the faketober prompts this month for some bondling ideas, defiantly won't get all 31 days down but i'll try.

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faketober 2022: day 1 (except i couldnt finish the drawing in time) - mythological creature
flyre is based on harpies, lyres, and hummingbirds

faketober 2022 prompts list by

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