Too many to choose but I'm going with:

1. Blue Destination
2. Even if That Warmth is Small
3. Doomsday Trance
4. Immediate Menace

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I’ll bite

1. First ever falcom game
2. Favourite male character
3. Favourite female character
4. Favourite landscape

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Okay time to do my version of

1. First ever falcom game
2. Favourite male character
3. Favourite female character
4. Favourite landscape

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Okay, I bet some people are curious about this so here goes... guess what I have (Does this suprise anyone?

1. First ever falcom game (was too lazy to look for cs2)
2. Favourite male character
3. Favourite female character
4. Favourite landscape

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1. First Falcom Game: Trails in the sky
2. Favorite Male Character: Rean
3. Favorite Female Character: Renne
4. Favorite Landscape: Ordis

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