Everything is happening so slow to climate & the environment, humans have a difficult time seeing it. Totalitarian forces work overtime to destroy education (especially history & science) ... it'll be impossible to see coming!

50 81

36 mass shootings in the first 23 days of 2023. From policy and legislation, Republicans could not have expected anything less. I'm sure they look forward to a year with 5 or more mass shootings per day.

to stop the slaughter!

28 62

Let's take a product popular with people who care about & the ... who care about & the AND then piss on all four! Then promote lying & folks, who don't give a rat's ass about your product.

32 63

Getting hot as hell, and it will get warmer. We're not even slowing it down.

42.2 degrees in Spain is better understood as 108 by Americans. Same in

(42.2°C × 9/5) + 32 = 107.96°F

41 54

Forget Death Valley. Iran on the Iraqi border, reached a scorching 52.2°C (126°F) on June 20th before Summer began. That's the hottest temperature recorded on Earth this year. And one of the highest Spring temperatures ever recorded.

88 95

If you don't 🇷🇺's gonna finish the job on 🇺🇸 with their 🍊 wrecking ball.



41 92

Senate Majority Leader has no integrity, neither do any of the 🇷🇺 has kompromat to finish off each and every one of 'em, as such, they remain silent.


53 82

Putin is directing 45* & to assault America with MASS and MASS in order to divert all focus away from
This can't disappear from the news headlines... many bloody hands in the WH!


46 58

Hey Tweeps, here's a fun little challenge, until the day is done. More creative and less frustrating than a poll.

Select no more than FOUR graphic files that work together to best describe over three years of Trump.

Here's my four. Have fun.

30 44