Ive been noticing how overly toxic the OM fandom is becoming with MCs. I personaly love all the MCs. They are all cute and adorable and as long as you love them, thats what matters.
Your MC is beautiful.
You are beautiful ~

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congratulations!!! u so cool i like ur art so so much, you deserve more queen 😭😭😭

well, heyo, im zeyreez!!
im in a long art block right now, but trying really hard to finish one big project for fanmcc, i hope i can draw more after that
some of cool guys +

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As always, late on finishing but uploading anyway xD as part of the Paws Event shes a Racoon.

Awen (c) Nightmaretheif
Levi, Diavolo and Simeon (c) ObeyMe

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I remebered a scene in the game where most of the brothers where calling satan 'mum' l belive its on one of the chats xD

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I'm considering creating an alt account for all this Otome Hell I've been doodling. Lowkey scared since that Luci draw got noticed. Have my MC fighting Diavolo as I decide what to do.

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