Week 4 of - Sanrio x WcDonalds 🍔🍟Happy meals and chicky nuggies are flying everywhere!😱

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Gudetama is my spirit animal. I had a lot of fun making this as simple as possible.

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Gudetamam x Mister Ramen from Ponyo ♡ a match made in heaven 🍜 🍳

entry for

✨reshares are greatly appreciated, thank you so much✨

Gudetamam x Mister Ramen from Ponyo ♡ a match made in heaven


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Pika pi ✨
Jardín Pokémon para el

[IG: bylaurenkin ]

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week 4: sanrio // 💕 hello kitty party pals 🥞

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That's not Scribble!

It's Molly from Animal Crossing! We decided to do a bit of Fanart! Hopefully you guys like it🥰🐾

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art! drop karyaa buat fanartfest2020 di ig ehehe mutualan yuu bole twt/ig 😗

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Sanrio Breakfast Cafe for this week's entry. I loved doing this because I'm a big sanri-hoe
This was inspired by those cute mini playsets I really wanted as a child. I like cute things, I smol things, I really like em that's why I put em in my mouth 😂

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| Semana 2: Studio Ghibli |

Ponyo 🏝🐙

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Made Vaporeon for Fanart Fest.

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*throws ghibli art into internet*

*runs away

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