It's One-line Monday for

"Come back from that dark place; the longer you're there, the harder it is to look back at the light."

Art of Esven and Balvo by the amazing 💖


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Pets/familiars for

Maritimus is a key player in the series, and he either shows up at the *best* possible time ... or the worst. 😅 We learn more about his origin in Embraced by Embers.

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Eep! I already missed a day of

For Day 5 Weather:

In Time's Orphan, they're getting into the thick of a dry fall down in South Okarria.

And for Day 6 Feature Friday:

I want to shout out ! Love her art & how she brings characters to life!

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Happy May everyone!

I’m Hayley, & this month I’ll be jumping into the 1st rev of book 3 in the Odriel’s Heirs trilogy, Time’s Orphan!

Hoping to get it to Alpha readers by the end of the month, but we’ll see.

Wishing you all many fantastical words this

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