Character portrait ✨ not a Cathar, but a Farghul

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Cathar have none. If you want a tail, you can go farghul. This is my farghul Jedi Zeke! They are slightly more animistic in feature than cathar.

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I'd ask for either my trandoshan (lizard dude) or my farghul (cat boi)

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Star wars kitties are the best!

This is my boy, Zeke (short for Zikitoh). He's a Farghul Jedi in hiding, who fancies himself an amateur treasure Hunter.

If they met they'd likely get along splendidly.

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This is my best boy Zeke! He's a Farghul Jedi. Master duelist, treasure Hunter, and bleeding heart altruist with a bit of a hero complex.

His giddy enthusiasm and bravado can come off as arrogance, but he's a tender soul.

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This is my Farghul, a Star Wars Catfolk. (Mix between a cheetah and a caracal) His name is Zeke. He may seem like a bit of a rogue, but he's really a bleeding heart sweetheart with a hero complex.

(Artistic freedom is not only encouraged, its desired)

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Zikitoh: (Zeke for short) A farghul Jedi.

Raised by mercs after his masters death, in spite of a lack of formal training he mastered the art of the Lightsaber and developed abilities to lead and bolster allies.

Cunning & charismatic, he seeks unique experiences and adventure.

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Apparently it's kiss week? While I can't draw on demand my OCs kissing, feel free to smooch them as much as you like.

Lyell assimar paladin by
Kaze Gen3 synth by
Zeke farghul jedi by
Lamfada the elf Zen archer by

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